Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hardy's 6 wishes

In the 1920s, the British mathematician G H Hardy wrote a postcard to his friend, listing 6 New Year’s wishes :

1. Prove the Riemann hypothesis.
2. Score well at the end of an important game of Cricket.
3. Find an argument for the non-existence of God that convinces the general public.
4. Be the first man at the top of Mount Everest.
5. Be the first president of the USSR, Great Britain and Germany.
6. Murder Mussolini.

Mathematics and Sex

The great think about liking both Math & Sex is that, I can do either one while thinking about the other. (Steven E Labdsburg, 1993)

-1 is equal to +1

We all know,     a = √a * √a = √(a*a)
Which implies,     -1 = √(-1) * √(-1) = √{(-1)(-1)} = √1 = 1

Of course, it can't be true.
Then what could be wrong?
We define,     a = √a * √a     or,     ab = √a * √b
But it is valid only when at least one of     a & b     is non-negative.

The Palindromic Numbers

        1 * 1         =         1
       11 * 11        =        121
      111 * 111       =       12321
     1111 * 1111      =      1234321
    11111 * 11111     =     123454321
   111111 * 111111    =    12345654321
  1111111 * 1111111   =   1234567654321
 11111111 * 11111111  =  123456787654321
111111111 * 111111111 = 12345678987654321

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Pyramid of Numbers

                                1 = 1                 = 12
                            1+2+1 = 2+2               = 22
                        1+2+3+2+1 = 3+3+3             = 32
                    1+2+3+4+3+2+1 = 4+4+4+4           = 42
                1+2+3+4+5+4+3+2+1 = 5+5+5+5+5         = 52
            1+2+3+4+5+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 6+6+6+6+6+6       = 62
        1+2+3+4+5+6+7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 7+7+7+7+7+7+7     = 72
    1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 8+8+8+8+8+8+8+8   = 82
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9 = 92

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Amazing Power Relationship

Our number system has many unusual features built into it. Here is one of them discovered by Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 – 1855).

81 = (8+1)2 = 92 
or 4,193 = (4+1+9+3)3 = 173

Now enjoy the list.

81 = 92

512 = 83
4,193 = 173
5,832 = 183
17,576 = 263
19,683 = 273

2,401 = 74
234,256 = 224
390,625 = 254
614,656 = 284
1,679,616 = 364

17,210,368 = 285
52,521,875 = 355
60,466,176 = 365
205,962,976 = 465

34,012,224 = 186
8,303,765,625 = 456
24,794,911,296 = 546
68,719,476,736 =646

612,220,032 = 187
10,460,353,203 = 277
27,512,614,111 = 317
52,523,350,144 = 347
271,818,611,107 = 437
1,174,711,139,837 = 537
2,207,984,167,552 = 587
6,722,988,818,432 = 687

20,047,612,231,936 = 468
72,301,961,339,136 = 548
248,155,780,267,521 = 638

20,864,448,472,975,628,947,226,005,981,267,194,447,042,584,001 = 20720

Monday, September 26, 2011

Amazing Number Patterns

Just watch the first & last digits of the multiples.

999,999 *  1 = 0,999,999
999,999 *  2 = 1,999,998
999,999 *  3 = 2,999,997
999,999 *  4 = 3,999,996
999,999 *  5 = 4,999,995
999,999 *  6 = 5,999,994
999,999 *  7 = 6,999,993
999,999 *  8 = 7,999,992
999,999 *  9 = 8,999,991
999,999 * 10 = 9,999,990

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Only for Boys

We all know that every day is a special M############ Day. So to celebrate every M############ Day, here’s a li’l poem.

My M############ Addiction
(unknown author)

Feeling gently for my gland,
Clutching with an eager hand,
Now it feels so small and thin,
Yet playing softy with the skin,
Makes it grow hard and thick,
How I need this erect d###!!

I'm in no hurry, I have all day,
To let my mind slip away,
Into my world of m############,
Where ###k's my master,
And I'm its slave,
It's what I want, it's what I crave.

Rubbing gently rubbing slow,
I slide the skin to and fro,
As the hours pass by,
I get so high,
I explode like a thousand guns,
The s##### bursts out and runs and runs.

I'm now at peace, I’ve soothed my brain
Yet soon I’ll have to m######### again.

Friday, September 23, 2011


The word ‘True’ is not a true word and there is no true meaning of it. (Pritam Saha)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Get Crazy

The global average efficiency of vehicles is 5 km to a liter. Japan & Western Europe manage an average of up to 11 km.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Believe It or Not

An average person’s eyes are closed for about 30 minutes a day while awake, due to blinking.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Global Warming

If you avoid 25 km of driving every week, it would eliminate about 226 kg of CO2 emissions a year!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Beautiful Number Relationship

Notice the consecutive exponents.
135 = 11 + 32 + 53
175 = 11 + 72 + 53
518 = 51 + 12 + 83
598 = 51 + 92 + 83

Now, take it to one place further.
1306 = 11 + 32 + 03 + 64
1676 = 11 + 62 + 73 + 64
2427 = 21 + 42 + 23 + 74

The next ones are really amazing.
Notice the relationship between the exponents and the numbers.
3435 = 33 + 44 + 33 + 55
438579088 = 44 + 33 + 88 + 55 + 77 + 99 + 00 + 88 + 88
(We’ve considered here 00 as 0. But, in fact, it’s undetermined.)

What is Anger?

Anger is one letter short of Danger!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Round Off Decimal Numbers

1. If the 1st discarded digit is less than 5, we’ve to leave the remaining digits unchanged.
(e.g. Round off 2.534 to 2 decimal place. The answer is 2.53)

2. If the 1st discarded digit is greater than 5, we’ve to add 1 to the last retained digit.
(e.g. Round off 3.268 to 2 decimal place. The answer is 3.27)

3. If the 1st discarded digit is exactly 5 and there are more non-zero discarded digits, we’ve to add 1 to the last retained digit.
(e.g. Round off 3.2653 to 2 decimal place. The answer is 3.27)

4. If the 1st discarded digit is exactly 5 and all other discarded digits are zero, we’ve to add 1 to the last retained digit if it’s odd and we’ve to leave the last retained digit unchanged if it’s even.
(e.g. Rounding off of 3.265 to 2 decimal place is 3.26 and rounding off of 3.275 to 2 decimal place is 3.28)

* The rule 4 is only applicable in Numerical Analysis. Otherwise add 1 if the 1st discarded digit is 5.

Dravid, the Wall

Sachin is God …
Sourav is God on the off side …
Laxman is God in the 4th innings …

But when the doors of the temple are closed, even the God is behind the Wall.

Dravid made 69 (79) on his last appearance in the blue shirt on Friday.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Collective Nouns

A culture of Bacteria, a quiver of Cobras, a smack of Jellyfish & a plague of Locusts!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Multiples of 1089

Let’s look at the first nine multiples of 1089 :

1089 x 1 = 1089
1089 x 2 = 2178
1089 x 3 = 3267
1089 x 4 = 4356
1089 x 5 = 5445
1089 x 6 = 6534
1089 x 7 = 7623
1089 x 8 = 8712
1089 x 9 = 9801

Now try to find out the symmetricity of the multiples.